On September 22nd, the Estoril track hosts once again the Estoril Experience Day. Estoril Experience Day is a motor car event, federated within the scope of FPAK, organized since 2011 by CRM Motorsport in partnership with the Motor Clube do Estoril. More information at CRM MOTORSPORT   Circuito Estoril

The Circuito do Estoril will host the  Federação Motociclismo Portugal (FMP), Initiation Level competition tests. FMP will run the tests on September 28th. More Info: FMP Circuito Estoril

On September 29th, Motor Sponsor offers a day dedicated to speed at the Circuito Estoril. A track experience where the public takes the wheel for a day, for a unique experience on the track. Accompanied by a professional instructor, each participant will test their driving skills and complete an exclusive 20-minute session in a competition car. More Info: MOTOR SPONSOR Circuito Estoril