SUPERSIDE – The Ellis/Clement duo wins Superside World Title in Estoril

(Photo: Circuito Estoril)

Just like last season, the Estoril Circuit is the stage for the title decision of the Superside World Championship, the oldest active speed event. With a point difference between 1st and 2nd of 18 points and with 25 at stake, the decision was centered on the fight between the pairs ELLIS/CLEMENT and TOM/BEN BIRCHALL with another pair, PÄIVÄRINTA / SCHMIDT and complicating the accounts given their performance.

It was precisely the duo PÄIVÄRINTA / SCHMIDT, winners of race 1 held yesterday, who lined up in Pole Position and given the weekend’s performance, the intentions of the Bonovo Action drivers were clear. In 2nd place on the grid, the Championship leaders and current champions, the duo ELLIS/CLEMENT, who were only 3rd overall yesterday, postponing the decision until today. Their main rivals TOM/BEN BIRCHALL, with mathematical chances of becoming champions, lined up in 3rd place.

Everything ready for this Sunday’s most awaited race in Estoril with the public in the Estoril stands feeling that the moment had arrived. Red ligths! Rotations! GO! With the race starting for 17 laps around Estoril, the title contending duo TOM/BEN BIRCHALL took the lead with ELLIS/CLEMENT maintaining a minimum distance in 2nd place. The pole-holding pair, PÄIVÄRINTA / SCHMIDT, dropped from 1st to 3rd in the initial phase, and in a clear loss, a new descent to 4th place at the end of lap 6, through an exchange with the CHRISTIE/ CHRISTIE duo from Hannafin Racing.

Aware of their position in the Championship and the revalidation of the title, ELLIS/CLEMENT maintained a brisk pace without taking any risks, managing the distance to their rivals TOM/BEN BIRCHALL who were leading. A little later, with 10 laps completed, the reigning champions saw the approach of the CHRISTIE/CHRISTIE duo who would actually overtake on lap 12. Until the end, ELLIS/CLEMENT were no longer able to recover positions and with TOM/BEN BIRCHALL, this time having to deal with attacks on the leadership by the Hannafin Racing team (CHRISTIE/ CHRISTIE duo).

Exciting last laps with a fight for victory that would end up smiling on the CHRISTIE/CHRISTIE duo who thus put the World Title into the hands of ELLIS/CLEMENT, 3rd overall. Full of emotion upon returning to the pits, ELLIS/CLEMENT celebrated a long season effusively and emotionally. Despite the exemplary race, the TOM/BEN BIRCHALL duo ended up in the middle of the podium and as world runners-up.

Circuito Estoril